
Someone turned a toy Pokédex into an actual Nintendo DS

Tomvdcr, a gameboy modder, had the idea after noticing the fourth generation Pokédex was designed in the same vein as a Nintendo DS Lite.


Despite looking exactly like a handheld gaming system, Nintendo never made a Pokédex-themed Gameboy or DS. Enter Tomvdcr, a Gameboy modder, who decided to do it himself.


“As a kid I always thought the Pokédex looked like a handheld and when we got to the Sinnoh region, it was just designed like a Nintendo DS Lite...”



The process entailed gutting the toy Pokédex, inserting the DS hardware, and then trimming the motherboard so that everything could fit nicely.


According to the man behind the machine, the Pokédex DS Lite is his best handheld mod thus far. Maybe Nintendo will look into a possible collaboration for the upcoming remastered Diamond and Pearl versions?


Aside from the addition of wireless charging, the original Pokédex toy wasn’t tampered with too much — the functioning DS Lite even uses the original LCD display!

What if I told you the Pokédex was always a DS? Tomvdcr

Aside from the Pokédex DS Lite, Tomvdcr has made a number of different handheld mods... namely putting Gameboy advance or DS hardware into Gameboy colors.

Behold... A DS Lite crammed into a Gameboy ColorTomvdcr

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