Catch 'em all!
More details revealed for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl re-release
During the Pokémon Presents event a host of new details surrounding Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, and Arceus were revealed.

Today, in a video presentation given by Takato Utsunomiya, a number of new details regarding the forthcoming slate of Pokémon games set to be released in the coming months were revealed. The chief operating officer of the Pokémon company handled the latest Pokémon Presents event, which gave a brief glimpse of existing games in the franchise like Pokémon GO and also some titles that will be releasing soon like Pokémon(s) Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
We hope to see you again — Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl were announced earlier this year and give fans the opportunity to re-live the original Diamond and Pearl versions that came out in 2006. Although they function like re-releases, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are revitalized for the Switch and will offer some new features that differ from the original source material.
Players will return to the Sinnoh region, encounter professor Rowan, battle Team Galactic, and explore the Grand Underground, a revamped version of the subterranean area from the original games. Pokémon Super Contests, a staple from Diamond and Pearl, will return as Super Contest Shows. Additionally players will be able to socialize in the Union Room and have new customization options, from Pokéballs to their character’s outfits.
Evolution — Pokemon Legends: Arceus meanwhile introduces players to a new battle system, new region, and new Pokémon. Arceus is set in the Hisui region during a time where humans and Pokémon had yet to live in harmony.
The end goal of Arceus is to study various areas of Hisui in order to complete the first Pokédex. The game is intended to flow like a more traditional open-world RPG — evident in the new battle system that draws from the original turn-based format but also involves a new Action Order bar that displays each Pokémon’s turn. Turn order and frequency can be affected based on attacks that fall into two new categories: strong and agile.
Pokémon(s) Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl will be release on November 19th, 2021 while Pokémon Legends: Arceus will be released early next year on January 28th, 2022.