This internet-famous cat will soon be mayor of Hell, Michigan
All hail Mayor Jinx.

Jinx, an internet-famous cat with nearly 735,000 followers on TikTok and 400,000 on Instagram, will become the mayor of Hell, an unincorporated community in southwest Michigan. Jinx will be inaugurated mayor on Sunday, April 24 and will serve a one-day-long term. The 3-year-old cat and her owner, Mia, are California residents and MLive reports that Jinx will be sworn in via proclamation over the phone. Jinx’s Twitter bio, which says “future first cat president,” suggests that this isn’t the end of the cat’s political career. Let’s see if the goofy-looking feline can make sure all Hell doesn’t break loose!
Cat mayors — Jinx will be the first cat mayor of Hell, but she won’t be the first cat mayor ever. A cat named Stubbs was elected mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska in 1997 as a write-in candidate. “Stubbs remains true to his community, often showing up in local businesses — albeit unexpectedly,” wrote CNN. The cat reportedly enjoyed drinking catnip-infused water from a wine glass. Other cats have been candidates: a cat named Tuxedo Stan ran for mayor of Halifax and even got a celebrity endorsement from Anderson Cooper. And a Maine Coon called Hank the Cat ran against Tim Kaine and George Allen for Virginia's Senate seat in 2012, getting almost 7,000 votes and coming in third place.
Anyone can become mayor of Hell for a day by submitting an online form and paying $100 (being mayor for just an hour is $25). Mayors get the deed to one square inch of Hell, a souvenir shirt and mug, proclamation certificates for being mayor and for being impeached, and, in the words of, “your name all over Hell.”
After Mia found Jinx in a field in 2018, she took the kitten in and started sharing photos online. Mia says that despite the birth defects that cause the cat’s jarringly massive eyes and feet, the vet says she’s healthy. All hail mayor Jinx!