Internet-famous erotica writer pens new book about sentient lesbian em-dash
The cult favorite punctuation mark finds love.

Much like the universe, the Tinglerverse is constantly expanding. Pseudonymous author, Chuck Tingle, has already given the world surrealist erotic fiction about decidedly unsexy objects like parking spots.
The prolific author, who claims in his Instagram bio to be an “erotic author and Tae Kwon Do grandmaster” with a “PhD from DeVry University in holistic massage” has spent the past eight years sexualizing inanimate objects like library cards, space raptors, cargo ships, handsome mountain bikes, and so much more. It’s despicable; It’s kind of funny; And if you’d prefer a more family-friendly book, you can try out Not Pounded In The Butt By Anything And That’s Okay.
Tingle is also known for purchasing the URL earlier this year after the Texas governor released a letter directing the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate the healthcare providers and parents of children receiving gender affirming treatments.
A Tingler — Tingle isn’t the only internet-famous short story writer who makes a living by anthropomorphizing everyday objects — there’s also Leonard Delancy, whose erotic short stories include Taken by Tetris and Pounded by Pluto. The industry appears to be booming — even if the literary caliber leaves a bit to be desired. The unique brand of erotica ebooks have captivated a devout gang of fans. In 2017, NYU computer science researchers developed a text prediction and classification system based on Tingle’s prose.
Tingle’s statements are drenched in layers of irony that are practically impossible to parse, we don’t know much about the author’s true identity. For what it’s worth, he has stated that he grew up in the ghost town of Home of Truth, Utah. And as the Daily Dot pointed out in 2016, his essential author photo is free stock image.
Tingle talk — We got in touch with Chuck Tingle to discuss his recent release, The Sentient Lesbian Em Dash — My Favorite Punctuation Mark — Gets Me Off.
“em-dash is manifestation of a playful nature i think, and that really is how it functions when writin out your dang story,” Tingle told us over email. Chuck says that he “never used em dash before this story EVER” because it “just never really occurred” to him. To Chuck, writing an entire erotic thriller about the punctuation mark was an “interesting artistic moment to break fourth wall in a way.”
Now, the em-dash is his favorite punctuation mark — though he mentioned that he is “starting to investigate the interrobang.” He assures us that his writing, while unconventional, always involves consent from both parties. And he says that he’s responsible for his own cover art, which generally features a muscular, scantily-clad person with an overlaid title.
When asked to share advice for readers, or young writers, Tingle shared that “if you bless your art with the power of love you are using strongest force across any timeline, and you will be amazed what comes from that.”