Beat the summer heat with FF14’s coolest new mount.
It’s the middle of summer. The sun is shining, the weather’s nice, so of course, it’s time to stay inside and play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
This time of year, Eorzean locals celebrate with the Moonfire Faire. The two-week festivals gives players a chance to hang out on the beach, fight some bombs, and earn cool rewards.
You’ll need to hit level 30 before you start the quest, but even if you’re brand new, you can feasibly speed through to that point by the end of the event.
Keep in mind that you’ll also have earned a few Moonfire Faire vouchers, which can be exchanged for furniture and other party favors with the Moonfire Faire Vendor.
You have until August 26 to earn your Moonfire Faire mount. The very next day, FFXIV: A Realm Reborn begins its anniversary event, The Rising.