Jon Snow Has Big, Incest-y Things in His Future, Predicts A.I.
Fans of Jon Snow are going to be very happy.

Things have been looking up for Jon Snow on Game of Thrones of late, but then there’s plenty of room for improvement when you end a season getting stabbed to death. Since then, he’s come back to life, been named King in the North, made friends with a dragon, reunited with long-lost family, and — on an all too related note — found a new lover.
By Game of Thrones standards, he’s living a charmed life, the occasional military or diplomacy fiasco notwithstanding, but can the good times continue in the show’s final season?
To find out, Inverse partnered with Unanimous A.I. to enlist a swarm of 50 Game of Thrones fans to predict what’s next for Westeros’s most beloved bastard. This use of so-called swarm intelligence has produced some scarily accurate results in the past, so let’s take a quick look at how it works. As you can see in the animation below, each participant controlled a little golden magnet and used it to drag the puck toward the answer they thought was the most likely outcome. Also, the closer a user puts the magnet to the puck, the greater the pulling force. This is where our swarm of users began to form a hive-mind. As the user sees the puck move toward an outcome, it triggers a psychological response. The user starts to readjust their decision-making, building toward a consensus.
To read more about how Unanimous A.I. uses “swarm intelligence” to reach scarily accurate predictions, check out our previous article on how Unanimous A.I. uses “swarm intelligence” to make predictions. So then, let’s start with the most basic question: Does Jon have a second death in his future?
Will Jon Snow Die (Again)?
It’s a mistake to ever be too confident that someone will live or die on Game of Thrones, but the swarm tends to think Jon is living on more than just borrowed time. His importance to the show’s larger Targaryen-related mysteries means he probably has to stick around for the show’s endgame. He’s at least making it to the show’s final episode, and the swarm thinks he could still be standing when the credits roll.
Will Daenerys and Jon Snow Stay Together After He Learns His True Heritage?
Well, this tells you pretty much everything you need to know about Game of Thrones. No agonizing on this one: The swarm is feeling overwhelmingly confident that learning the truth about a little incest isn’t going to stop Daenerys and Jon Snow from spursuing their relationship. Considering it’s never stopped anyone else — and Jon and Daenerys’s relationship feels downright sedate compared to, say, Jaime and Cersei’s history — this is hard to argue with.
Who is Most Likely to End Up on the Iron Throne?
As contenders to the Iron Throne go, Jon Snow isn’t a bad pick, considering the season six finale just confirmed his status as Rhaegar Targaryen’s son and, with that, the true heir. But it’s again impressive just how damn sure the swarm is on this point, with only the tiniest bit of support for Daenerys — who also has a strong claim, and some political advantages — before the consensus moved swiftly to Jon Snow.